At Home Workouts
I try to plan Wednesday nights as my night 'off'. Maybe some stretching or something at the abode, but no CF workouts.. nothin. But with not a whole lot getting done in the way of workouts in a week and a lack of internet at work (productivity was slightly up for the 7.5 hours I couldn't get online), I put together a quick workout to do at home. Not including set up and breakdown time, it took a total of 45 minutes and included enough variety to keep your interest while working the entire body.

sorry for the poor quality
This is what my desk looks like; covered in a lot of little notes with workouts jotted down.
Burgener Warm up - wmv demo from the CrossFit website. I did more reps to get used to the motion and to warm up a bit more.
15/15 - 15 sec of work, 15 sec of rest for a total of 15 minutes
-Jump negatives pull ups(hooray for the door gym!)
-Suitcase deadlifts - 20# KB in each hand.
I managed about 4 JN with varying grips and 7-8 deadlifts during each 15 second segment. I love the Timex watch and its intervals. I just set 4 of the intervals for 15 seconds each and let it go until it reaches Rep 15. Boom. Done.
The next workout was a quick circuit of 4 exercises, 1 minute at each with 1 min rest at the end of the round X 3
- KB swings (overhead) - 20#
- Sit ups
- Bodyweight squats
- KB Push Press - 20# in each hand
After the 15/15 workout, it's amazing how long 1 minute feels; an eternity on the first round! I kept the reps and intensity high and tried to keep the same number of reps the same each round. I could've taken out the minute of rest and thrown in some burpees or push ups, but I'll save that for next time.
Afterwards, since I had been thinking about Turkish Get Ups most of the afternoon, I decided to practice them a bit. I first started with a tennis ball in my hand to get the motion correct of punching upwards before moving to the 20# KB. A bit of a difference, but, man, what a great workout. More practice is needed, but not bad for whipping together an at home workout.
The workout left me enough time to prepare and Indian Curry Feast for dinner. Okay, so it took a little longer to cook than expected, but I didn't notice that the stove turned off while it was simmering for 40 minutes! That little snafu added 20 minutes to the cook time, but I sampled a little and am pretty impressed with my cooking skillz. I'm just glad the house doesn't reek of curry and will have more tonight. MMmmm!
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