Heading to the mountains
I'm still in a bit of a funk, but I know some time on my feet in one of my favorite places should do the trick.
A handful of people are getting together tonight for an 18 mile run of the Massanutten Trails and surrounding area in the George Washington National Forest. The plan is get in some good headlight time, good time on our feet, and some good rocky climbs before the 100 miler in two weeks. Hard to believe it's almost here!
Once done, we'll camp out in cars or tents and wake up a few hours later to help a crew of Happy Trails runners clear those trails we just ran, as well as the rest of the trails that cover the MMT course. There are plenty of downed trees to be cleared off the trail as well as some trails to be re-blazed so they are easier to see. Not sure if anyone is planning on bringing a leaf blower or rock hauler, but if so.. thanks in advance!
I feel like I peaked at BRR where I finished the day with a great run and a great PR. These last few weeks have been a roller coaster ride with twists and turns; with a few stops upside down or while climbing to the top. I just can't seem to get over the top and enjoy that smooth, yet exhilarating drop. Maybe I'm in it now. Is this what it's supposed to feel like? I'm running well, as many have told me, and hope my training will suffice and carry me the full distance. There are bits of doubt creeping in that I'm trying to keep at bay. I need to trust what I've done on the trails and in the gym and just go out there and have fun.

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