Ready or not! Marathon time!

I have been less prepared for other races; this is, by no means, a first for me.
On Saturday, I'll line myself in corral #6 for the start of the National Marathon. My goal is to finish somewhere between the Boston Qualifiers and 6 hours, when the course closes. Perfect! The only way I can be called a 'bagger now is if I happen to finish with a BQ time of 3:45.. and THAT ain't gonna happen!
I'm taking Friday as a vacation day, but it will be anything but a day of R&R. The plan in the morning is to get out on the Potomac Heritage Trail for a few repeats out to Windy Run and back to the trail head near Teddy Roosevelt Island parking lot. Run hard out, rest for half the time, run hard back, rest for half the time x 6 or 8. That should put me somewhere in the 10-15 mile range.
I know it's not your typical day (week) before a race taper plan, but this weekend is anything but typical for me. It's designed to be a heavy weekend of training and I've spread out the work over the course of three days - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
I have a full Friday of errands after the run - picking up packing boxes, getting my hair purty, going to the DMV, going to the post office, packet pickup - that I hope to finish up by 4pm so I can get off my feet. I also hope to stop by the Active Release Technique (ART) booth at the race expo and get my nagging hip checked out. It shouldn't bother me during the race, but I haven't run a road marathon in awhile, so the miles on the road might aggravate it, but it's hard to predict.
And considering I don't update this as often as I should, go ahead and check out the results for runner #2432 to see how I did.
Here we GOOOO!
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