MMT is finally in the books
Just a quick post to report on my race this past weekend. In a nutshell, it went very, very well. I finished in 32:20:54, which is a PR by nearly 3.5 hours. I was one of the last few runners two years ago and followed up that performance with a disappointing DNF last year. Not sure how I can top this years race, but another 3.5 hour improvement is probably out of the question.
I'll get into specifics later, but this is a short work week (3 days) for me with lots of work to do. I'm heading out of town for Memorial Day weekend (it's nice to see you again, higher gas prices), so hopefully I'll have time to work on a report during some down time.
Here's the Reader's Digest version -
- Hot/humid day
- Three separate thunder storms with full on flash lightning, hail, and sheets of rain
- Trails turned to streams
- Chafing
- Happily picked up a pacer at mile 65 to run with me the rest of the way
- Dehydration and sore feet
- Chafing getting worse
- At 4am, waiting for the sun to come up, and trying to WILL it up
- Still moving at a good clip and ahead of 'schedule'
- If my feet look as bad as they feel, just cut them off
- Cats, cheerleaders, classic cars, donkeys, families out camping, and frogs are only a few things I saw out on the trails. Only the frogs were real.
- Did I mention chafing?
- Potato soup and grilled cheese or cheese quesadillas ALWAYS hit the spot.
- Running across the grassy field to the finish never felt so good; stopping never hurt so much.

Love the Readers Digest report. I saw the frogs too and at first I thought they were "Virginia Jumping Rocks." haha
YOU ROCK! Smart race, huge congrats!
GREAT JOB Jen! Congrats too on the CFE cert. I wish I could have been there.
Congratulations, Jen! 3.5 hr PR under tough weather conditions...NICE!
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